The information window shows more than 160 different data about the selected country.
The selected country appears on the Amiglobe status bar:

It is also painted in light green on the map.
There are several way to select a country. The simplest is to click on the country, but you can select a country via the select/country window, the select/flag window, the data comparison window, etc... In fact, every Amiglobe window is synchronised, this means if you change the country selection in the flag window, it will also change in the others windows.

The information windows has several categories.

1. The general category

This category shows the map of the country itself, with its capital. There is the local name too. If the country has or is a dependency, then you can click on the country name to show them.

You can click on the  button to zoom the map on this country. The oval contains the automobile country code, and below there is the flag, and a button to hear the national anthem. On the bottom of the window, there are the essential data. The currency used to show money figures can be changed with the Project/locale preference window.

2. The geography category

This category shows data about the area, boundaries, etc...

If you select a numeric data, like total area, then you can make a comparison with the list or map button. This will open the data comparison window.
You can compare the selected country with the reference country. By default, the reference country is your country, provided you gave proper information in the Windows Regional Settings, and Amiglobe was able to match your country name with a name known by him. To change the reference country, you can use the Project/locale preference menu, or click on the set button to set the reference country to the selected country.
If you check the use button, then the information window will show information about the selected country AND the reference country, making comparison easy.

3. The history category

This category display a short text about the country history


4. The people, government, overview, economy, transportation and military categories

  • people: population, ethnic divisions
  • government: capital, chief of state
  • overview: a short text about the country economy
  • economy: national product, exports, imports
  • transportation: telephones, roads, railways
  • military: military forces, military expenses
